Monday, May 29, 2017

May 28th -29th Memorial Day

May 28th

Today we ventured out from highway 19 through Cherokee into Bryson City.
Once through Bryson City we took a scenic mountain highway takes riders on a six mile tour of the Great Smokey Mountain National Park and ends at the mouth of a tunnel. On the map it is called Lakeview Drive, but it is also know as the Road to Nowhere. Read the story at

Fontana Lake Overlook on the Road to Nowhere

On the way back to Cherokee

Scenes from a sections of the Blue Ridge Parkway

May 29th
Today's loop took us south on 107 through the Lake Glenville into Cashiers and Sapphire resort areas where we at lunch at Toxaway Village Falls and back home (made it home almost dry from the rain) via 281 to 23/74 into Waynesville.
Lake Glenville
Toxaway Village Falls

Wolf Creek Lake area

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